
AMD shows how Zen—now renamed Ryzen—is its best chip family in a decade - rodriguesthenoth99

AMD's Elvis is finally here. In August, AMD stunned the hardware industry by screening that its Zen architecture could compete with Intel's best. Nowadays AMD has discovered more details all but what executives call its most interesting processor in 20 years, including its brand name, its clock speed, and the quint basic "SenseMI" technologies that make the silicon chip thusly businesslike.

What AMD has previously referred to as its Zen computer architecture now has a formal brand name: Ryzen, which regrettably sounds like the title of a bargain-bank identification number videogame. The first chip in the desktop family, code-named Summit Ridge, will constitute AMD's sharpen for 2017.

Using Handbrake and ZBrush benchmarks, AMD recently incontestable that its 8-core Tiptop Ridgepole chip can keep up with, operating theater even potentially outperform, Intel's 8-pith, 3.2GHz Core i7-6900K that launched this past May. That's due in part to the Pinnacle Rooftree poker chip's higher 3.4GHz clock speed, according to AMD.

The story behind the taradiddle: AMD declined to disclose two key Summit Ridge inside information: the chip's "boost" speed, or maximum voltage, and its price. In doing so, AMD avoids revealing too much to Intel's marketing team, aforesaid analysts. Keep in thinker, although IT didn't attract much attention at the time, Intel executives said in Noble they hadn't ruled exterior increasing the core count of its Core i7-6900K—just as it did with the 10-center Core i7-6950X. That could help Intel maintain its execution edge over whatever upcoming Zen chips. Entirely these machinations are to the consumers' benefit, of feed—this is the essence of competition!

AMD Lisa Su Ryzen benchmarks Mark Hachman

Lisa Su oversees a Liquidiser benchmark screen; AMD's new Ryzen chip is rendering on the left screen, while Intel's Core i7-6900K is to the correct. Some completed in about the same time.

More Ryzen benchmarks fire anticipation for 2017

Here's where we suffer right now: Intel has begun shipping its first three-fold-core Kaby Lake chips—a third-generation 14nm chip, and for the time being, rigorously for notebooks. In Jan, Intel is expected to release its quad-core H-series processors, kicking off the desktop PC race seriously. AMD, meanwhile, has slated its 14nm Summit Ridge chip for the first fourth, its 32-core Naples host processor for the second quarter, and what information technology at once calls its Raven Ridge notebook chip for the last half of 2017. Think, you'll need Windows 10 to run complete of them.

Despite some psychoanalyst meditation that the PC market is slowing, AMD is aiming Ryzen at three markets that seem poised for growth: PC gaming, which extraordinary analysts say could imag 35 percent increase from 2015 through 2020; virtual-realness PCs, with expected 10X growth by 2020; and e-sports, which is experiencing a strong uptick in audience.

amd zen chips AMD

AMD's three chips for 2017, based on the Zen architecture: To Ridge, Naples, and Raven Ridge.

"If you look at 2017, I don't think we've seen anything this exciting since, honestly, back towards the 90's," said Jim Anderson, older vice President and all-purpose manager of AMD's Computing and Graphics occupation, hearkening back to the AMD K6 serial publication.

AMD start out iv years ago to purpose a "clean sheet" processor architecture that could deliver 40 percent more instructions per clock than the previous generation. It seems that AMD has achieved that goal.

amd zen summit ridge summary slide AMD

Summit Ridge's basics: Eight cores at 3.4GHz-plus, 20MB of hyphenated L2+L3 cache, and SenseMI underneath it all.

Previous AMD architectures were optimized for multicore public presentation. "That antitrust didn't work out because there's a mass of overeat that needs single-threaded performance, " said Kevin Krewell, principal analyst with Tirias Research. "They had usable units that were split between two different cores… With Zen, you acquire this very full execution locomotive, and then when you need to run an extra thread on it, you parcel components, but you also have all the functional units at the legacy of that one thread. In a sense, they went back to square one and only, with the underived Pound processor."

amd am4 platform AMD

Yes, you'll need a new motherboard to use Lucy in the sky with diamonds, but here's what it gets you.

In three demonstrations—victimisation processor-intensive Handbrake, Blender, and ZBrush benchmarks—the 3.4GHz Crest Ridge (with boosting revolved off) either met operating theatre exceeded Intel's 3.2GHz 6900K, which can boost to 3.7GHz. In Blender, AMD's chip consumed 187.6W under freight, while the Core i7 used up 191.8W.

Update:The 8-core, 16 wander Ryzen crisp will also pack a far lower TDP than Intel's 8-heart and soul, 16 draw come off, at 95 watts versus 140 watts, CEO Lisa Su said during AMD's New View event on Tuesday.

A closer view Dot's play public presentation

For further convincing, we were shown Ryzen's performance running DICE's shooter hit Battleground 1—and Ryzen still held up, big time.

The 3.4GHz Ryzen system we saw controlled a usance AM4 motherboard that believably will never see the insignificant of daylight, plus 16GB of RAM and a pair of Nvidia Titan X card game. Yes, Nvidia cards—AMD representatives explained that they wanted to show how AMD and Nvidia technology could exist mixed and matched, and that Ryzen could deal any gaming configuration you threw at information technology. On the opposite side was the same Intel Core i7-6900K AMD used for the Liquidizer present, with an Asus ROG X99 board, and 32GB of quad-channel retentivity, antitrust to avoid claims that information technology was lengthways with a subpar memory conformation.

amd ryzen vs Intel Core i7-6900K Brad Chacos

AMD's Ryzen went head-to-head with an Intel Nucleus i7-6900K and came out uninjured.

We were allowed to try a header-to-head playthrough of the first chapter ofBattlefield 1, comparing the deuce machines. The catch: In that location was no on-covert overlay with frame rates. Or else, we had to occur what AMD product director Jim Antecedent told us: Both systems were running at 'tween 100 and 130 frames per second, at 4K resolution under DirectX 11, using radical settings. AMD turned off the overlie because Cube has been frequently patching the spunky, and the hard performance numbers could change between our hands-connected and AMD's livestream of the Ryzen announcement, Prior said.

Our conclusion? On that point were no utility operating theatre visible differences between the Ryzen and Intel systems. Some felt and looked exactly the same, whether in reality playing on the PCs OR peering over the shoulder of another player to watch the action side-past-side. In premium gambling, Ryzen hung the likes of a boss. By contrast, AMD's current FX-6xxx/8xxx chips are notably slower than comparable Intel budget parts in gaming, depending on the specifics.

Under the hood: How SenseMI changes the game

In a fashio, AMD's Ryzen opens raised another vector of consideration when buying a chip: efficiency. Nigh Personal computer enthusiasts consider price, center count, the speed of the microchip, and the power each chip consumes in front buying. Chip manufacturers, in the meantime, talk about the instructions per time (IPC) Eastern Samoa a way to measure effectiveness. Ryzen, though, proposes a new coming.

amd zen efficiency

AMD's up-to-the-minute processor generations let increasingly emphasized efficiency, the company says.

According to Mark Papermaster, AMD's top dog technology officer, AMD set dead set ensure that Ryzen had what he called the best "intelligent performance," an reconciling technology that continually assesses the C.P.U. to deliver the best functioning at a given power level. AMD calls this "SenseMI."

SenseMI consists of five different technologies: Pure Tycoo, Precision Boost, Outspread Oftenness Range (XFR), Somatic cell Net Prediction, and Smart Prefetch. The technologies all bring on together, using what AMD calls its Eternity Fabric—an on-chip electronic network of connections—to constantly loop back and reevaluate how they're doing.

Pure Power and Precision Boost, for example, are like two sides of the same coin. Virgin Power monitors the scrap's temperature victimization hundreds of temperature sensors embedded in the chip and material, constantly seeking to bump down the ability past milliwatts at once while maintaining the same level of performance. On the other hand, Precision Further is a pulverized frequency ascendence that can nudge performance up aside 25MHz increments (versus 100MHz for Intel) to boost performance without consuming more power.

amd precision boost

Here's one of the secrets to Ryzen's high performance: fine-grained clock ascendence.

And if a user has a cooler installed—using air, water, or liquid nitrogen—the chip can sense information technology, via Extended Frequency Range (XFR), a dressy name for auto detection that allows the Ryzen chip to run at a higher frequency than normally permitted.

amd ryzen pure power AMD

AMD's Ryzen dynamically examines its power usage and makes adjustments on the fly.

If designing a scrap was like training a football player, than the first three SenseMI technologies would be like hit the gym: up travel rapidly, power, and endurance. Think of the latter two, Neural Net Prediction and Smart Prefetch, as the mental aspects of the game: anticipation and awareness.

Papermaster represented AMD's Neural Net Prediction capabilities as "scary smart" branch prediction, intended to murder pipeline stalls. A microprocessor's instructions typically work on conditions: if this, then that. But executing those instructions, then waiting for the next one, can take several clock cycles where the chip is essentially doing nothing. To compensate, modern processors "trickster" aside trying to guess the way the contrary to fact jump will go. If it's right, then the central processor can save time and improve the gross performance. If it's condemnable, past everything horse barn patc a new program line is fetched. AMD's technology uses a "massive amount of data" to retrain AMD's branch predictor connected the fly, minimizing those grapevine stalls, Papermaster aforementioned.

Likewise, Fresh Prefetch makes that same bet, but in a varied manner—IT tries to guessing what data Ryzen will need next, so grab it in front the chip send away work information technology. "That's what we live out for," Papermaster said. "This inspires every designer."

What's next? A glorious conflict for your billfold

Afterward years of scratching and clawing to stay afloat—restructuring debt; leasing then squirming its home bas from Sunnyvale, Atomic number 20, to Santa Clara; layoffs—AMD is smartly double down on what it sees as a winning hand out. Naples is sensible the first step toward a push hind into the enterprise grocery, where higher margins can service stock future growth.

intel kaby lake in hand Gordon Mah Ung

Intel is ready and waiting in the wings with Kaby Lake.

What isn't clear, though, is how AMD will price its first Ryzen chip, Acme Ridge. Typically, Intel has applied the screws, forcing AMD to let down prices to amplification market share. In August, Intel executives predicted that more than 350 newly PC designs would be predicated on the various versions of Kaby Lake, beginning in January. For AMD's part, United States President Lisa Su predicted a "rattling, very beefed-up batting order" of motherboards, hardware partners, and organisation builders, merely didn't reveal any numbers. (Want to learn more? AMD's unscheduled Ryzen livestream on December 13 is just for enthusiasts.)

Will Intel up its core count? Drop prices? Offer to assist with the selling costs of hardware partners who sell Kaby Lake? And what's the boost speed of AMD's Summit Ridge? Will AMD be able to satisfy its client ask? Will thither be (gulp) bugs? All these questions remain unanswered.

One matter is clear, withal: AMD's aft at the table, and it finally has a good hand to play. "2016 was a very strong class; we're very amused with all the progress that we've made," Su aforementioned. "But with 2017, the primo is genuinely yet to come."

Additive coverage away Brad Chacos.


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